According to Article 22.2 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), in force, JOSE EGEA RODA must comply with the obligation to inform about the cookies it uses and their purposes.

This website uses cookies and/or similar technologies that store and retrieve information when you browse. Cookies allow a web page, among other things, to store and retrieve information about a User’s or their device’s browsing habits. Depending on the information they contain and how your device is used, cookies can be used to recognize the User.

Cookies are essential for the functioning of the internet, providing numerous advantages in the provision of interactive services, making navigation and usability of our website easier for the User.

The User can customize their settings HERE.

The information we provide below will help you understand the different types of cookies:

What types of cookies does this website use?

In this website, the cookies we use are the following:

  • Technical cookies for website operation::
    • These are first-party cookies.
    • Their function is to enable access to and navigation of the website.
  • Navigation cookies:
    • They collect information about how visitors use the website, such as page views and loading errors.
    • This information is generic and anonymous, without including personal data or identifying information about visitors. The ultimate goal is to improve the website's functionality.
  • Analysis cookies:

To learn more about the treatment of personal data, we recommend visiting our “Privacy Policy” section.